Parts portal+
It provides at real-time the availability of stock for parts, data and customer conditions.
Parts portal is born from the necessity of Grupo Salvador Caetano and Grupo Ibericar to work with a flexible and responsive tool which allows knowing the stock availability of parts in all the companies of both groups, as well as performing orders among them.
Both Grupo Salvador Caetano and Grupo Ibericar have a series of parts sites which market all the brands distributed by the groups throughout Spain and Portugal. These parts sites are communicated through a logistics network which guarantees the fast supplier of parts between the sites.
With the Parts portal we get that these sites know at real-time the stock available in other sites and it allows them to perform orders between them, which are automatically integrated in their management systems.
Parts portal also provides this function to Salvador Caetano and Ibericar groups’ customers. Those customers can check at real-time the availability of parts needed, not only in their area parts site, but also in all the group parts sites. They can also performs orders which will be received immediately by their associated parts site.
Parts portal is completely integrated in Spiga+. In those sites with Spiga+ as management system, Parts portal can access directly to Spiga+ for collecting the prices and stock available for the parts, data and conditions of the customers, as well as integrating automatically the customer and supplier orders created in the Parts portal.